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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Can't Believe...

Linking up with The Sunshine Diary today for I Can't Believe Wednesday!

I Can't Believe... I ran a WHOLE MILE. Without stopping. 2 days in a row!

I Can't Believe... How good I felt when I was done running. I never would have thought being so sweaty could feel so good. Not to mention the feeling of accomplishment that comes along with doing something you've never done before, something you didn't think you could do. It felt A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

I Can't Believe... I have to have stupid surgery tomorrow :( 
I am going for an exploratory laparoscopy to diagnose and hopefully help to treat endometriosis. From what my doc says, it seems pretty minor so I'm not too worried - I just hate hospitals, and anesthesia.

I Can't Believe... I have to do a cleanse for this stupid surgery tomorrow :(
This means I can't eat any solid food all day today (BOO!), and I have to drink some nasty crap later that's going to cause me to spend my entire evening chained to the porcelain throne. That sounds much better when you are talking about a night of drunken vomiting. At least you get something out of that! 
Oh well!

I Can't Believe... I can't run for 2 weeks now because of this stupid surgery :(
I was just starting to really enjoy it! I'm so bummed. Hopefully it will go quickly.

Maybe this will free up some more time for my blog ;)

Wish me luck!

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Communion Recap

OK, better late than never...

So, as most of you know, last Saturday my little man R made his First Holy Communion. In spite of some heavy rain, we really did have a wonderful day...

and since it's Thursday, I am SO THANKFUL that it all turned out beautifully!!!

The mass went off without a hitch, the kids all sang and did great! The boys all looked SO dapper in their suits and the girls SO beautiful in their mini-wedding gowns. They really were a sight to see!

One of the highlights of the day for me was when we ran into a face from our past. The daughter of one of my mom's closest friends, who we haven't seen in about 15 years, recognized my sister in church and came up to us after mass. It was a sure sign for me that my mom was there with us as R received this holy sacrament, and brought tears to my eyes. Michele & my dad were crying as well - what a bunch of hot messes!!!

We had a little snafu with the cake, they left the n off of communion... That was a little embarrassing :/
I'm also missing a few pics because my sis apparently doesn't know how to work a digital camera!

womp womp...

... But other than that, is was a great day. I feel very blessed that both of R's families were able to come together in spite of everything to celebrate this special moment in his life. I only almost lost it on one of them once the whole day!

The big guy was definitely watching over us ;)

Hope you enjoy these pics from his blessed day...

Me, my sis & my handsome nephew John

So proud of my little man!

Jay and the guest of honor :)


Baby M enjoying some strawberry cake!

R & his Poppa

R & my beautiful niece Ashley!!!

Silly boys...

<3 Handsome boys <3

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Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday's Letters



Dear Rain - GO AWAY!!! Please, please, P-L-E-A-S-E don't ruin R's big day tomorrow. I am really looking forward to taking some beautiful family photos outside, I don't want to miss out on this golden opportunity. It's not every day that all seven of us are dressed up and together all in the same place!

Dear Baby M - Please behave in church tomorrow and do not give Aunt Chelle a hard time. I don't want to have the sweats because it's my kid screaming like a loon at the back of the church.

Dear Mom - I really wish you could be with us tomorrow as we celebrate this beautiful sacrament of 1st Holy Communion for my baby boy. It's funny how these things always seem to fall out on Mother's day weekend, & so close to your birthday... Although I miss you so much Every. Single. Day; I will be missing you extra over the next few days. Please watch over R tomorrow so that he may have a super special day. Daddy, Michele, Jay, M & I will be visiting the cemetery on Monday - flowers are in order for what should've been your 68th birthday <3 

Dear Brunch - I'm coming for ya on Sunday!!! Eggs Benedict you better watch your back :)

Dear Mommies - Happy Mother's Day! May you all have a wonderful day spent relaxing and being pampered by your beautiful families :) 

Have a good fantastic weekend everyone!!!

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday again....

I can hardly believe it!

With R making his 1st Holy Communion this Saturday, we have much to be thankful for.

I am thankful for our beautiful church and parish. Although we do not get there as often as I would like, we are always welcomed. Even though God and I have had a bit of a tumultuous relationship since my mom passed away, it is nice to know we have a place to go should we need him.

I am thankful for my wonderful sister and amazing best friend, who never let me down when I need them. They both helped me hand make chocolate covered Oreo favors for the party. It was a lot of "patshke-ing" as my bestie would say... so I definitely couldn't have done it without them! Thanks to Jay as well for helping me with final batch. <3

I am thankful that R's dad and I have come to a place where we can be civil and make decisions that are best for R. I was very concerned about the ceremony, having to plan & pay for this party and mix both sides of the family, but everything has gone very smoothly to date. It's nice that after all this time we can put aside our differences and do the right thing for our boy. Lord knows it isn't always this easy!

On a personal note, I'm thankful that I FINALLY finished week 3 of C25K!!!! I thought I was in pretty good shape, but this running thing is really kicking my A$$ people!!! I'm theoretically almost half way there. My goal for this week is to actually get out there at least 3 days - tentatively scheduled for Friday, Sunday & Tuesday. I'm hoping if I put it out there I will actually stick to it!!! Life gets in the way A LOT, but I am thankful I am able to carve out some time for me... healthy mommy = happy mommy!

Happy Thursday :)

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi all!

Sorry I've been a bit MIA lately... things have been very hectic planning for R's communion and I've been stuck late at work almost every day for the past 3 weeks. It SUCKS!!!

Anyway, today I'll be short and sweet. Though I am thankful for all of my children every day, today I am most thankful for my baby girl, who is 18 months old today!

I'm not really sure where 18 months have gone... A year and a half old!
How did that happen so quickly???
I definitely miss my squishy baby who went where ever we took her with a smile, but I am truly enamored by my toddler and her blossoming personality.
Sassy but so sweet, stubborn but so loving... she takes after her namesake in so many ways.
I'm not enjoying the tantrums almost every hour because she is insisting on doing what ever it is we are doing at that moment all by herself. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard "I do", I'd be one rich momma!!! Stressful as it can be, I am loving watching her come into her own. I love that she is always trying to help us out around the house, and always loving on her brothers so much. I swear she worships those boys!!!

I am so thankful to be blessed with 5 wonderful, healthy children; but today I am especially thankful that I was given the opportunity to be this beautiful little girl's mommy.

Here a few pics from this past week :)

Helping Daddy paint.

Being silly with Momma :)

Photo bomb from M!

She loves her slide!

Backyard fun!

Backyard fun!

What are you thankful for today?

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