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Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Fun

The kids and I were very fortunate to have another full weekend with the hubs this past weekend.
I have been spoiled having him around for the past two Saturday nights.
We had a fun and productive weekend!

FRIDAY: Since we don't eat meat on Fridays during lent, Friday night is Sushi night in our house. I LOVE sushi! We found a great local place that is delish, reasonable, and delivers in a timely fashion..
you can't beat that, especially on a Friday night.
After the kids went to sleep we caught up on the DVR and had lots of much needed snuggle time.
My one complaint about life right now is that my hubby and I
do not get to spend nearly enough time together.

SATURDAY: Lazy day! We hung around the house, and the kids played outside on the trampoline. They were SO excited. It had been dismantled since Hurricane Sandy, and Jay finally put it back together for them on Saturday. Hours of out door fun, exercise for them
and quiet inside the house for mom = a win! win!
 Jay & B primed the area of the basement that was damaged by our dear friend Sandy. Four months later and it is finally starting to come together. Hopefully next week we will have floor tiles down!
 Yay! Who ever thought I'd be so excited by floor tiles?
Is this what it's supposed to be like when you hit your mid-thirties???
Moving on... Saturday night Jay and I had dinner with my bestie and her husband to celebrate her birthday. We hardly ever never get together sans kiddos -
(they have a 3 year old and our girls are 2 months apart) - 
so I really enjoyed our grown-up time together.
Dinner was super yum, and afterwards we hit up a local cafe for dessert.
 Cannolis... need I say more?

SUNDAY: Jay and B painted the basement, and I took baby M out for a few hours to run errands. She got all dressed up and we put pigtails in her hair for the very first time. Yay!  Apparently the other three boys were not very good BAD while I was out, so I came home to a house full of sad, punished boys.
Daddy was peeved!!! He never yells at them, so it must've been real ugly.
We spent the later half of the day celebrating our niece's 13th birthday. Wow. 13. How does that happen? These kids are all growing up too quickly...
Anywho, all five of our kids love birthday parties at their aunt's house. They don't get to see their cousins all that often, so they absolutely LOVE hanging out with them. Of course B is too cool to hang out with the younger kids or the girls, so he stays with us;
 but the little guys hang together, and the girls oohh and aahh over baby M.
She adores the attention & I get to have a glass (or two) of wine, so again, a win! win!!! 

Only downside to the weekend - driving the boys back to their mom's house. It is in Guam ridiculously far from where we live, so it takes almost 2 hours round trip... 
plus, all the kids are always miserable when it's time to go.
To top it all off, last night we had a major detour because a major
accident closed the main road by their mom's house.

All in all a good weekend, but it's always punctuated by sadness - the only minus of the blended family, having to say goodbye every week :(

Baby M's first pigtails :)

Enjoying a birthday cupcake :)

Anyone do anything super fun or exciting this weekend? Can I live vicariously through you???

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