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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy Hump Day!!!!

Where is the time going???

I can't believe the weekend has come and gone again, and we are halfway through the week. I am slacking a little on the blog posting, and I'm sorry about that. Monday was a bit of a bummer (I'll get to that later) and yesterday we had a bit of debacle on the homefront. Our ceiling fan fell out of the ceiling!!! Now we have to wait until Thursday for an electrician to come and fix the wiring :/ Can we say Holy Hotness Batman? It's like the fiery pits of Hell in my bedroom!!! NOT GOOD!

We had lots of fun this weekend, so here's a little recap:

Saturday I took the 2 littlest boys and baby M to a local sprinkler park with some friends and their little ones. This park is beautiful, it has the padded rubber everywhere and they have an awesome regular playground attached, so the boys were going back and forth. They had a blast! We all had so much fun, in fact, that I was only able to snap one pic the whole time!

Saturday night we had a birthday party to go to, sans kiddos! I was excited because I finally got to wear my new Bow Back top from my favorite on-line boutique, Kiki La Rue! The clothes are amazing and the owner, Becka, is awesome! She also has a super fab blog. Anyhoo, I usually post some selfies of my Kiki La Rue goodies on Instagram. So, I was going through my usually routine while getting ready Saturday night, and this is what I ended up with...

Super cute Bow Back top!!!

Super angry hubby in the background, lol!

Not really sure what's up with this face! I think he was annoyed because I was taking too long to get ready, as usual!!!

On to the party!!! While Jay was in the hospital last year (read more about that here) we accidentally stumbled upon the fact that his partner, Chris, is also his cousin!!! It's a kinda long story, maybe for another post, but the bottom line is that Jay's long lost cousin and his wife, Erin, are two pretty amazing people. We have been very blessed to have them come into our lives. Even better, Chris has two sisters, Lauren & Dana, who we finally got to meet Saturday at the party after over a year!


On Sunday I took a pickling class (don't ask!!!) at Williams Sonoma with my bestie, & then we took the kids for pretzels at Auntie Annie's... My girl loves her pretzels!

We followed up the pretzel goodness with a special visit to the newly renovated Build A Bear Workshop. The girls were in their glories there!!! Baby M made herself a very special friend named Pinky, and despite a split lip when she fell off a step and slammed her face into the new touch screen computer table, a good time was had by all!

Worst part of the weekend for me was really Monday because we had to say goodbye to the boys after a full week with them. They were so good this week and the house is so too quiet without them... I played hookie from work to spend a few more hours with them, and then we all drove B to his orthodontist appointment where their mom was meeting us to take them home from there. I try my best to be cordial for the boys sake, but she always makes it a point to say something to try to cut down my authority as a step-parent. I had all to do to keep my cool, because I almost punched her in the face... twice. These boys are so fortunate because they have a lot of extra love in their lives now, you would think she would be thankful for that. Jay is right, I really do expect too much from people...

I can't believe the week is already halfway done!
Only two more days of getting up early and then I get two whole days with my loves!!!  

Happy Hump Day!

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