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Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby!

It's hard to believe that when Jay & I first met this cute little devil wasn't even 2 years old. Since then I have had the awesome privilege of loving him while watching him grow from an adorable little toddler into a bright, handsome little boy. 

Today that handsome little boy turns 8 years old. 8! I can hardly believe it!!! Where is the time going??? 

 It seems like just yesterday we were still changing diapers and collecting binkies...

Today we'll party it up at grandma & grandpa's house in honor of A. Lots of swimming, pizza & cake for the guest of honor, his brothers and sister, & his cousins. It's guaranteed to be a beautiful day all around. I baked a special vanilla & strawberry jumbo cupcake just for the birthday boy! As if baking a giant cupcake in my fancy new-fangled pan wasn't enough work, I had to make cupcakes for the picky brother 
who hates anything fruit flavored. 
A step-mothers work is never done!!! 
 Giant cupcake pics to come soon... 

Have a great Saturday everyone!!!

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