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Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday's Letters



Dear Rain - GO AWAY!!! Please, please, P-L-E-A-S-E don't ruin R's big day tomorrow. I am really looking forward to taking some beautiful family photos outside, I don't want to miss out on this golden opportunity. It's not every day that all seven of us are dressed up and together all in the same place!

Dear Baby M - Please behave in church tomorrow and do not give Aunt Chelle a hard time. I don't want to have the sweats because it's my kid screaming like a loon at the back of the church.

Dear Mom - I really wish you could be with us tomorrow as we celebrate this beautiful sacrament of 1st Holy Communion for my baby boy. It's funny how these things always seem to fall out on Mother's day weekend, & so close to your birthday... Although I miss you so much Every. Single. Day; I will be missing you extra over the next few days. Please watch over R tomorrow so that he may have a super special day. Daddy, Michele, Jay, M & I will be visiting the cemetery on Monday - flowers are in order for what should've been your 68th birthday <3 

Dear Brunch - I'm coming for ya on Sunday!!! Eggs Benedict you better watch your back :)

Dear Mommies - Happy Mother's Day! May you all have a wonderful day spent relaxing and being pampered by your beautiful families :) 

Have a good fantastic weekend everyone!!!

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