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Monday, February 11, 2013

Snowed In

It was a little hairy here this weekend. In the post-Sandy world we live in here on the east coast, tensions were high with all the talk of winter storm Nemo. As usual, weather reports gave conflicting accounts of how much of the white stuff would actually fall, and the media hyped up the power company's incompetence - escalating fear of living without power for extended periods of time, again. People were in a panic, gas lines returned... Friday was not a fun day here, at all.
Hope all of you in the Northeast fared well with Nemo.

When all was said and done, we only ended up with 10 inches where I live. It was an inconvenience, and definitely dangerous. I was a nervous wreck knowing Jay was out driving in it for work. Our friends to the east of us got almost 3 feet of snow!!! They are still snowed in ... no plows in sight! 

The biggest bummer of the weekend was that we didn't get to see the boys because of the snow. They also got almost 3 feet by their house, and the roads in their county were almost impassable... so Jay wasn't able to pick them up. Poor R was crying all weekend over it.
He had to build his snowman all by himself :(

Luckily we were able to get out for a bit yesterday. We finally bought tile for our basement! Almost four months after Hurricane Sandy, and repairs will finally begin this week. Better late than never I guess. Jay is on vacation, so this will be his only opportunity to get it done.
Taking care of a 15 month old is not conducive to construction!

I am super excited that Jay will be home all week with us. Valentine's week is a big week for us (stayed tuned for Our Love Story- Part 2), so I'm looking forward to spending a lot of quality time together, especially having the entire family together for the weekend.

I would love to hear your plans for Valentine's day. Anyone doing anything creative or super romantic?

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