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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Run Baby, Run!

Three years ago I set out on a mission.
I wanted to lose 35 pounds for my wedding. I had never lost the entire 57 pounds I had gained while pregnant with R, and then I put on what my bestie and I lovingly refer to as the "happy fat" after I met Jay. The "happy fat" had made me very unhappy.
It took five months and a lot of hard work. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support I got from Jay, my best friend/exercise partner, & my family.
I literally worked my butt off, but the hardest part was changing my mindset, and making the conscious effort to make time for MYSELF.

Top left = July 2008, Bottom left = Dec 2009,Right = July 2010 (Our Wedding)
After M was born, I think it was a little easier for me to get the 60 pounds I gained off quickly, because I had already made this a lifestyle change when I lost the weight for the wedding. I knew what had to be done, so I did it.
I joined Weight Watchers on-line and got all the apps for my phone. For me, diet needs to go along with exercise or it doesn't work. Plus, let's be honest... I've got five kids to chase around.
I need my stamina!
So I walked, and did cardio classes a few times a week. It took 11 months for me to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and I've been on maintenance for about 6 months now. At first I lost an extra 4 pounds, and now I fluctuate within a pound or two of that.
I feel good about myself, and I feel healthy. I can walk up and down the basement steps to do laundry without feeling winded! I can bounce on the trampoline with the boys and not be afraid I'm going to break it!

Top = Nov 2011 (Baby M, 10 days new), Bottom left = March 2012 (M's first Easter), Bottom right = Dec 2012 (Precinct Christmas Party)

So what's next?  I need a new hobby, a new goal... I thought about taking up crafting for a while about a nano-second, but let's get real. I couldn't craft my way out of a paper bag... so, where does that leave me?

I want to take up running.
I'm not sure I could run, even if my life depended on it.
I have NEVER run a mile in my life.
As a child, I was always the last one to finish the mile test in gym class because I always walked the entire thing (insert sad face here). I don't want to be like that chubby little girl that I was in elementary school anymore.
I am fit. I am strong. 
I can lift weights, and do an hour of hard core step aerobics four times a week.
I pushed a 9 pound 7 ounce baby out of my who-ha, for goodness sake - and then went back and did it again.
I can run!
There is no reason why I can't do this.  I just need to teach myself how.
I bought new sneakers, and some new workout clothes. I even downloaded the RunKeeper app for my phone.

Now I just have to take the plunge.

I haven't had a new year's resolution since I quit smoking five years ago, but this is my resolution for 2013.



1 comment:

Positively Amy said...

Good for you!!! You can do it! I am not much of a runner either, but I did have a goal to be able to run 4 miles last summer and I ended up running 4.5. That is a small number to lots of people, but to me it was a big deal! : ) I used the Nike+ app (I'm sure all running apps are pretty similar) and that really motivated me because it gave me a calorie estimate of what I was burning, and I could track how fast/long my last run was and I tried to beat my last run every time. The apps definitely help so much! I like having a record of the hard work I did : )

Good Luck! You can do it!! : )