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Thursday, April 11, 2013

20 in 40

I've been reading a lot of bucket lists here in bloggyland lately.
I see so many people posting 25 in 25 or 30 in 30...
I have to admit, I'm a little jelly -
'cause this biotch is old...
and I'm pretty sure it is unrealistic that I will check 40 items off my bucket list in a little less than 6 years. So, I made an abbreviated list.
I have to be realistic here.
20 in 40 seems much more do-able.
So here it is, my 20 in 40...

1. Run a 5K

2. Get out of debt

3. Be a "class mom"

4. Make cannolis from scratch

5. Write a book

6. Ride The Hulk roller coaster at Universal Studios

7. Grow my blog

8. Make a scrap book

9. Go on a hike

10. Take a road trip with just the hubs

11. Take Jay to Vegas

12. Take another cruise

13. Swim with dolphins

14. Go back to school

15. Take Jay to New Orleans

16. Re-do our kitchen

17. Waterski

18. Run a half-marathon

19. Get a pet

20. Travel to California

Now I've got to make it happen :)

We'll come back to this in 6 months and see where I'm at.

Hopefully I'll be able to cross at least 1 thing off the list.

The cannolis at least!

and the scrap book... how hard can that be???

Wish me luck!!!!

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